There has to be a way, it makes no sense that I can only have 1 army :D One army would defend, one would attack (because one time, they captured my capital while I THOUGHT I was winning the war, because I had no soldiers at home! What if, I would like to raise two 500 soldiers army? Is this possible? Normally, I can raise a 1000 soldier army. I mean, lets say I have 1000 soldiers in total. If you don't know what that means, De Jure are titles that are rightfully part of a higher title, as in 'County A and B are De Jure part of Duchy C'. I also assume that the people who want to be your vassal are also your De Jure Vassals? Īnd well, you answered your own question. See, told you, not even 5 years in and already you started a new game :D. Why? Because my kingdom was 'stronger'? Or why would they give up their independence in order to be protected by me and be a part of my domain?
I played Sweden, and after a short while, people wanted to be vassalized around me. So after that I was like, alright, I should try someone easier so I chose Sweden. So, I did the tutorial, then I tried a new ruler, and I was basically got rekt in 5 years or something because the ruler I chose was in the middle of a revolution kind of. But do try it, try an entire campaign and report back when you either made it trough to the end, or much more likely, when you have given up and decided to play a new ruler ).